Nominate a deserving Rotarian today to receive the prestigious Royce Abbey Award - Click Here Now
The Presentation of a Royce Abbey Award will:
Recognise a Rotarian who has demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment, consistent with Royce Abbey’s Presidential Theme of 1988/89: ‘Put Life into Rotary, Your Life’
Provide AUD$1,000.00 to support the Royce and Jean Abbey Vocational Scholarship
Acknowledge Royce Abbey’s contribution to Rotary and to the local and international community
Over 400 Royce Abbey Awards have been bestowed on Rotarians both domestically and internationally.
The Benefits of the Award:
The Award helps maintain membership
The Award provides recognition for enthusiasm and effort
Funds raised by the Award support the Royce & Jean Abbey Endowed Scholarship
The Award and Scholarship promote good international relations
The Award supports The Rotary Foundation
The Award fits the Four Way Test
To date:
Over 400 Rotarians have received Royce Abbey Awards.
More than 30 different Rotary Clubs in 8 Districts have bestowed Awards. The top clubs for awarding an RAA are as follows,
Essendon – 27
Balwyn – 26
Bacchus Marsh – 19
Camberwell – 19
Melbourne – 18
Melton Valley – 18
Central Melbourne – 16
The Award has helped finance more than 25 Royce and Jean Abbey Vocational Scholarships.